Semester Lengths

All classes are full-year classes (two semesters).

Elementary & Junior High Classes

  • 12-week semesters unless otherwise noted

  • Most classes meet one day a week

  • Some junior high (6-8) classes meet two days a week for two 14-week semesters

High School Classes

  • Two 14-week semesters unless otherwise noted

  • Classes meet two days a week unless otherwise noted.


Books required for classes will be listed in the class description. Families are responsible to source and obtain books unless otherwise indicated in the class description. Some books for classes are available from Colorado Heritage. See course descriptions. 

study hall

Students who must be on campus during class hours but who are not signed up for a class and not supervised by a parent/guardian must be enrolled in Study Hall.

Supervised Lunch

Students K - 2 who are not supervised by their parent/guardian during lunch hour must be enrolled in Supervised Lunch.